Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
It's a day, and a period of time, not to be repeated. In today's world many couples are tempted to put off their honeymoon for any number of reasons. Don't fall into that mindset! Her's why it's so important: your wedding and honeymoon are a time for the two of you to enjoy and savor the joining of your lives. I don't care if you have lived together for years, or if you met a week ago - this time and this trip are so important. Celebrate your love and your commitment to one another by taking some time to do what you love. Sit on the beach, rent a cabin in the town next door, or do a 45 day world cruise! What you do is much less important than just doing it. I would be honored to assist you in planning this getaway. Either way, Congrats and Best Wishes to you both!